Sorteeri/Order: Nimi/Date, Aeg/Date, Hind/Price ID:
Käevõru, Eesti

Kunstitoodete Kombinaat, käevõru aastast 1960, materjaliks hõbe 875 prooviga. Kaal 35.7 g
  ID: 7329Vaata !
Käevõru, Eesti

Kunstikombinaadi poolt valmistatud 55,1 grammiline, hõbedast 875 prooviga käevõru 1960-ndatest aastatest.

  ID: 6322Vaata !
Käevõru, Eesti
Kunstikombinaadi poolt valmistatud 28,6 grammiline, hõbedast 875 prooviga käevõru 1960-ndatest aastatest.
Hind: 350 EUR ID: 6387Vaata !
Käevõru, Eesti

Kunstitoodete Kombinaat, käevõru aastast 1960, materjaliks hõbe 875 prooviga ja kasutatud kivideks türkiis. Kaal 37.6 g

Meie arvamuse kohaselt on eseme kunstnikuks Salme Raunam (sünd 1921) 

  ID: 7331Vaata !
Käevõru, Eesti

Kunstitoodete Kombinaat, käevõru aastast 1960, materjaliks hõbe 875 prooviga. Kaal 59.3 g
  ID: 7333Vaata !
Kulon - Fabergé - 56°, ??

Peter Carl Fabergé (1846-1920), vene kullasepp ja juveliir.

Töötas St. Peterburis, kus isa (sündinud Pärnus) oli rajanud 1842 hõbeda- ja juveelitöökoja. 1870 võttis Fabergé selle töökoja üle. Peagi muutus perefirma juhtivaks ehetevalmistajaks linnas ja sai imperaatorliku määramise aastal 1881. Samuti asutati harutöökojad Moskvas, Kiievis, Odessas ja Londonis.

Fabergé firma (kus töötas üle 500 oskustöölise) pühendus enamasti värvitud emailtoodete ja hõbelauanõude valmistamisele. Kõige leidlikumad tooted olid väikesed mänguasjad täiskasvanutele (tuntuimad on peenelt kaunistatud lihavõttemunad), mida Vene ja Euroopa kuningakojad armastasid üksteisele kinkida.

Aastal 1918 firma natsionaliseeriti, töölised saadeti laiali ja aktsiad müüdi maha.

Fabergé suundus elama algul Riiga, hiljem Lausanne'i.

Faberge ? 

Peter Charles Faberge was born in Russia, in St.-Petersburg on May, 30th, 1846.
Four years prior to its birth its father, Gustav Faberge, has based jeweller firm under own name in St.-Petersburg on the Bolshaya Morskaya street, in the house number 11.
Nowadays, the memorial desk is on this house, and jewelry store of Faberge factory is still located there, on the first floor.
In 1841 upon termination of term of training at jewellers Andreas Ferdinand Shpigelja and Ioganna Wilhelm Kejbelja Faberge-senior has received a rank of " Jeweller affairs of skill ". Gustav Faberge, the founder of firm, was born in 1814 in the city of Pjarnu in Baltic.
Its father, the carpenter Peter Faberge, has moved there from city of Schwedt-ON-Oder on a boundary of XVIII - XIX centuries. The family was Protestant; ancestors were Huguenots from Picardy. They have left France, when at 1685 the Lui XIV, having cancelled Edict of Nant, has terminated even a fragile freedom of worship.

In 1842 Gustav not only opened business, but has created the family: it married Charlotte Jungshtedt, the daughter of the Danish artist.

The senior son, Peter Charles, studied in Sacred Anna`s German private school and continued the training in Dresden.
After travel across the Europe it has begun studies at Frankfurt jeweler Joseph Fridman. Possibly, its talent was so uncommon, that in 1872, in the age of 26 years it after returning to Petersburg has accepted business of the father in the hands.

The jeweller, the artist-designer, the restorer and the remarkable businessman, Charles Gustavovich has transformed a small jeweler workshop into the largest enterprise in Russian empire and one of the greatest all over the world. The firm had branches in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev and London and sold through last production far outside the Europe. In 1885 Charles Faberge becomes the Supplier of the Imperial court yard, and in 1890 receives other high rank - the Appraiser of Its Majesty Imperial Cabinet.

The international glory of firm grows also. It receives the first awards at the international exhibitions, and buyers of production with "K.Faberge" brand become members of almost all monarchic dynasties of the Europe and beyond.

For these years Charles Faberge`s family has grown. In marriage with Augusta-Julia Jakobs - the daughter of the master of Court furniture workshops - it had four sons: Eugeniy (1874 - 1960), Agaton (1876 - 1951), Alexander (1877 - 1952) and Nikolas (1884 - 1939). All sons of Faberge continued business which was started by their grandfather and expanded it.

Dramatical events of October revolution (1917) have led to change of a mode and all philosophy of the government in Russia, as a result, He was forced to close Faberge firm in 1918. Peter Charles Faberge has died in Switzerland, September, 24, 1920.

Nowadays - street, plaza and largest Petersburg jewelry factory named in honor of Faberge. Masters of the factory (Faberge plaza, 3) saved the technology and still produce jewelry in the same traditions

  ID: 2049Vaata !

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